而教育部则制定了一个程序,让院校直接提供所需的报告数据, 与此同时,它呼吁各机构通过其网站向公众方便地提供以下项目, 2021
1. 确认该机构签署并退还了认证和协议表格,并确认该机构已使用或打算使用该资金向学生提供至少50%的高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)补助金.
- 4月27日,365365体育在线投注签署并退还了高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)的学生部分或50%的认证和协议表格, 2020. beat365在线体育投注 has used the funds to provide emergency financial aid grants directly to students.
2. 院校将收到或已经收到的高等教育资助基金学生部分的资金总额.
- beat365在线体育投注 received $141,448 under the HEERF student portion on May 5, 2020. beat365在线体育投注 received $141,448 under the HEERF II student portion in January 2021. beat365在线体育投注 received $457,183 under the HEERF III student portion in May 2021.
3. 在这些基金中, the total amount that has been distributed to students as of the date of reporting (i.e. the first 30-day deadline, and then every 45 days thereafter).
- beat365在线体育投注 awarded $297,168 of the HEERF funds to students on June 2, 2020, 6月19日, 2020年和9月3日, 2020. beat365在线体育投注 awarded $162,000 of the HEERF funds to students March 30, 2021. Additional HEERF funds were awarded to students in the amount $328,6月30日, 2021, 和23美元,7月21日, 2021年和169美元,12月3日8点30分, 2021.
4. 根据1965年《365365体育在线投注》第四章第484节的规定,该机构有资格参加课程的学生估计总数, 经修订的(HEA), and therefore eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant.
- 截至5月11日, 2020, 365365体育在线投注有547名学生有资格参加第四章项目,因此有资格获得紧急经济援助补助金. HEERF II and III funds did not have this same requirement as HEERF I funds.
5. The total number of students who have received an emergency financial aid grant.
- 195 of the students who completed and returned the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, 和《365365体育在线投注》紧急资金申请表均有资格获得紧急财政援助赠款. 由于新冠肺炎校园中断,另有37名学生获得了紧急经济援助. These students did not have to complete the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, and Economic 安全 (CARES) Act Emergency Funds request form. 324名填写并提交了《365365体育在线投注》(CRRSAA)学生紧急资金申请表的学生收到了资金. 351名填写并交回美国救援计划(ARP)学生应急基金申请表的学生收到了资金. 306 students who returned the ARP 2 Student Emergency Fund request form received funds.
6. 该机构如何确定哪些学生获得或将获得紧急经济援助补助金,以及他们获得或将获得多少资金.
- All students who were deemed eligible were sent the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, and Economic 安全 (CARES) Act Emergency Funds form on May 11, 2020 with instructions to complete and return prior to the deadline of 5月25日, 2020. 那些在截止日期前填写并交回申请表,表明他们有与冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断直接相关的费用的学生将获得资金. The total funding was split equally among the 195 students.
- 另外23名学生获得了资助(171美元或670美元,具体取决于学费),因为他们在2020年夏季成功参加并完成了365365体育在线投注的NU250护理临床技能I课程,获得了一个学分. 本课程所教授的内容是进入BSN项目所需的先决技能/CNA内容. 从历史上看,它已经在其他教育机构提供,学生能够在进入365365体育在线投注之前完成. Due to the COVID-19 disruptions, the ability to complete this course prior to matriculation was significantly affected. 因此, 365365体育在线投注向所有在2020年夏季或秋季BSN课程开始之前仍然需要这门课程的被录取的申请人提供这门课程. 由于学生在其他任何地方都无法满足这一先决条件,365365体育在线投注发放了《365365体育在线投注》资金,以帮助抵消他们在365365体育在线投注学习这门课程所增加的费用.
- An additional 14 students received $3,000 each in funding because they were scheduled to have OT fieldwork placement in summer 2020 which did not occur due to COVID-19; therefore; their planned graduation date moved from December 2020 to May 2021. Because their graduation date was negatively impacted directly due to COVID-19, beat365在线体育投注 distributed CARES Act funds for this hardship.
- 所有被认为符合条件的学生都收到了《365365体育在线投注》(CRRSAA)紧急基金 form 2月25日, 2021 with instructions to complete and return prior to the deadline of 3月12日, 2021年12点.m. 在截止日期前完成并交回申请表的学生将获得资助. The total funding was split equally among the 324 students.
- All students who were deemed eligible were sent the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Emergency Funds form 6月10日, 2021年或7月1日, 2021 with instructions to complete and return prior to the deadline of 6月25日, 2021年12点.m. or July 16, 2021年12点.m. 351 students who completed and returned the application form were awarded $1,000 each.
- 所有被认为符合条件的学生都收到了美国救援计划(ARP) 2紧急基金 form 10月28日, 2021 with instructions to complete and return prior to the deadline of November 12, 2021年12点.m. 306 students who completed and returned the application form were awarded $555 each.
7. 任何指示, 方向, 或者由学校向学生提供的365365体育在线投注紧急经济援助助学金的指导.
- beat365在线体育投注 directed students to complete the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, 和《beat365在线体育投注》表格,并在周一之前交回学生金融服务办公室, 5月25日, 2020. Students received two emails reminding them of the deadline along with text messages. 学生们的表格在他们到达时被审查,以确定列出的费用是否与冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断直接相关. Some students were asked follow-up questions for clarification. Students who completed a form that did not have a Free 应用程序 for Student 金融援助 (FAFSA) on file were asked to complete a 2019-20 FAFSA before eligibility could be determined; however, the Department of Education changed that requirement on Thursday May 21, 2020, and students were notified they know longer had to complete a FAFSA in order to receive funds. The additional 37 students who received funds were sent an email on September 3, 2020 indicating this money was being sent to them.
- 365365体育在线投注指示学生填写《365365体育在线投注》(CRRSAA)紧急基金表格,并在周五之前返回学生金融服务办公室, 3月12日, 2021. Students received emails reminding them of the deadline along with text messages.
- 365365体育在线投注要求学生填写美国救援计划(ARP)应急基金表格,并在周五之前返回学生金融服务办公室, 6月25日, 2021年或7月16日, 2021 depending on which date they got the form emailed to them. Students received emails reminding them of the deadline along with text messages.
- 365365体育在线投注要求学生填写美国救援计划(ARP) 2紧急基金表格,并在11月12日前返回学生金融服务办公室, 2021. Students received emails reminding them of the deadline along with text messages.